Diploma in Hopi Ear Candling

Hopi ear candling is a very relaxing and successful treatment using ‘candles’ which are made from lint and natural ingredients which act as a chimney

Course Details

This treatment is great for clearing and regulating pressure in the head and ears and can be particularly helpful pre-flight and to clear blocked ears.

This treatment is beneficial for clients with sinusitis, glue ear, rhinitis, headaches, colds and flu, excessive wax and tinnitus. The treatment also includes a shiatsu massage over pressure points on the head and face to release blockages.

Course Content

  • The History of the Hopi Ear Candle
  • Effects of Hopi Ear Candles
  • Contra-indications to treatment
  • Relevant anatomy and physiology
  • Treatment procedure
  • Massage routine
  • Aftercare advice
  • Costings and timings
  • Hygiene and product knowledge


Duration: 1/2 Day
Qualification: Diploma
Price: £180
Practical Work: All products and equipment provided throughout


I found Rachel to be friendly, approachable, very knowledgeable and professional she is an excellent teacher /trainer.This course exceeded my expectations and I would recommend this course to my friends.

I would recommend anyone to train here. Rachel is super professional and as well as being a trainer she is also still a therapist, so she understands what therapists want and how to give it to us.

Laura B

Rachel adapted her teaching to my learning style. She was incredibly knowledgeable and helpful, supporting me throughout my training.

Annie L

Our Friends
